Listen or download our latest EP!.
In the Silence Cover


[section_header title_dark=”Our” title_colored=”Music”]

Our new, self-titled recording “A Beautiful Liturgy” is available on Digital Download,  CD, and special limited edition White Vinyl LP.

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[section_header title_dark=”Upcoming” title_colored=”Events”]

Keep track of our appearances and catch us when we are in town or online!

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[section_header title_dark=”Our” title_colored=”Videos”]

Here are some videos from our Youtube channel. Please subscribe using the button below!


[theartist_button button_text=”See all videos” button_link=”|title:YouTube%20Channel|target:%20_blank|”]
[section_header title_dark=”Our” title_colored=”Blog”]

Their blog is a great way to learn behind the scenes info and connect with A Beautiful Liturgy’s Emilie, Rich, and others part of their creative world.

[/section_header][posts number=”3″ category_name=”” button_text=”View Blog”]

[section_header title_dark=”About” title_colored=”Us”]

Learn about the members of A Beautiful Liturgy and stay connected with our social media.

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[section_header title_dark=”Contact” title_colored=”Us”]

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