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In the Silence Cover

Music Video: Glory Be To God On High by A Beautiful Liturgy

The trip to Michigan was in late winter, a bit cooler than our thin California blood was used to. The reception at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship warmed us with a retreat filled with inspiring lectures, excellent food, and the company of fellow songwriters from all over America. The goal at this retreat was to invest in a bunch of writers who would write new Christmas hymns for the Church. Some of our fellow writers shared music that we are sure will be sung by many in the years to come. The heart and talent of the participants mixed with the guidance from our academic and spiritual mentors created an extraordinary event. And, a few fabulous songs came out of it. The context of our time at Calvin College earlier this year birthed our tune “Glory Be to God on High.”

Dr. Lester Ruth is a renowned and brilliant researcher in liturgy and Christian worship and as a Methodist enthusiastically introduced the standard bearer of his denomination to the gathering. Charles Wesley’s words–the lyrics to the tune we wrote–beautifully captured Christmas like few hymns ever have. Wesley in these verses taught us the Incarnation with such metaphors as, “See eternal Son of God A mortal Son of man, Dwelling in an earthly clod whom heaven can’t contain!” The earthiness of Jesus as God contained within it is contrasted with the idea that heaven cannot limit God. Mud, the stuff of earth becomes the the dwelling of the one who created the mud. The story of Christmas is the coming of God with us–literally walking in the same skin we walk in. By the way, we felt that one of our crowning achievements as writers was seeing a twinkle in Dr. Ruth’s eye after hearing our tune to Charles Wesley’s words. It is humbling to be affirmed by one who has dedicated their lives to studying Christian worship.

I am impatient for A Beautiful Liturgy to share more of the Christmas music we wrote at this retreat. One advantageous quality about artists is how we use our limitations to eke out good stuff. This is a fancy way of explaining that we had big plans to record a number of Christmas and Advent songs this season, but resources and time pared down our offering. In fact, we were going to postpone recording all together. Were it not for the generosity of fellow musicians giving us time and talent as well as huge discounts, such a nice track would not ship. But, here it is! From Sam Hart our talented producer to Paul Doyle our friend and drummer, we were showered with generously talented friends. In fact, our young videographer and photographer should be included in this group of generous creatives. He competently captured a video for those who have never met us in person can get an idea of who were are. And, if you know us, we haven’t seen many of you for quite a while. It takes a tribe to create good work. We could not put out a simple single without other hands directly and indirectly collaborating.

We hope to write more music that bridges the rich history of Christian worship to the best of modern sounds and expression. Why not write something new that also will be something that lasts? And, it’s now time to recapture Christmas and other seasons of worship for our generations and the next. When many take church music simply as utility or as nearly disposable, we view singing prayers as worthy of sounding beautiful. “Make his praise glorious.” says the psalmist.


  • Eddy Mann
    December 1, 2018

    Thanks for lifting my prayer time this morning as I prepare to lead a time of seasonal worship this evening. This is a beautiful offering!

  • Anri van Toor
    December 3, 2018

    Thank you guys for focussing on the Incarnation in this beautifully written, composed and sung new worship song.
    It reminds me of an excellent, yet down to earth teaching, by Dallas Willard, who lived in your area on Incarnation and Celebration.

    Recorded in December 2007 at Dallas’s home church, Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship, in Reseda, California.

  • Sharon Kinikin
    December 3, 2018



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